San Diego Bay w/Kevin, Dave Anne and Scott Martin

Dave, and his wife and son, Anne and Scott, joined Kevin and me for another sail out of San Diego bay to see the Star of India. This is the second day of the only weekend when the Star takes sail each year, and so we were really lucky to be out sailing with her on the ocean.

We sailed out at a good 7 knots in somewhat cloudy weather but the seas were calm and the wind was just right as we came about off the Star of India and then followed her back into the bay. She looked grand under full sail! We also saw a number of other Tall Ships and a Navy Frigate along the way.

Pics from My Camera

As we returned to the bay, and the wind died, a moderate Fog descended and I got my first experience with the limited visibility thereof. I also realized at that time that a GPS down on the chart table doesn't do much good. We made our way in by following the marks and some other boats, but in the future, I'll be sure to have a GPS at the helm!

We brought in sails and docked without incident as the sun set behind the foggy hills of Point Loma.